• Newsletter
- Complete development of newsletters and all other internal communication materials
- Coordination of design, copy, printing, and distribution of member communications material
• Brochure
- Development of brochures for:
• Organization programs
• Conventions
• Conferences
• Special Events
• Charity & Fund Raising Events
• Non-dues income programs
- Coordination of design, copy, printing, and distribution of brochure material
• Communications Network
- Development of statewide communications network
- Used as a "hotline" for organizations to immediately alert membership of critical issues within a few hours
- The communications network is an effective tool for legislative issues that need immediate attention or action
• Membership Directory
- Organization membership directory design and development
- Defray expenses of development, printing and distribution by advertising income
- Design program to solicit advertising from the membership and/or non-member firms or organizations
• Web Site Development & Maintenance
- Clearly formulate defined objectives for the use of the internet as a communications medium for your organization
- Develop the web site so it enhances the functions identified for your organization
- Design pages that are attractive, functional and simple to navigate
- Maximize the value of the internet by incorporating its use in all aspects of communication
- Manage, host and update web site